MSK Interventions in Kansas City, MO

At Diamond Interventional Center, we recognize that musculoskeletal pain can significantly impact your daily life and well-being. Our team of experienced interventional radiology physicians is dedicated to providing personalized, minimally invasive MSK interventions to address your unique needs. Located in the Greater Kansas City Metro area, our outpatient center offers a supportive and comfortable environment, ensuring you receive the highest quality care from our compassionate and skilled team.

MSK Interventions

MSK Intervention Procedures


Our skilled physicians perform vertebroplasty procedures to stabilize and strengthen fractured vertebrae, providing pain relief and improved spinal stability for patients suffering from vertebral compression fractures.

Facet Joint Injection

Our team provides facet joint injections to alleviate pain and inflammation caused by facet joint arthritis or degenerative conditions in the spine, offering patients relief and increased mobility.

Geniculate Artery Embolization for Knee Arthritis

Our interventional radiology physicians offer geniculate artery embolization as a minimally invasive treatment for knee arthritis, reducing pain and inflammation and promoting increased mobility.


Diamond Interventional Center offers kyphoplasty services to treat spinal compression fractures by inflating a balloon in the affected vertebra and injecting bone cement, helping to restore the height of the vertebra and reduce pain.

Hip Joint Injection

We perform hip joint injections to diagnose and treat hip joint pain caused by arthritis, bursitis, or other inflammatory conditions, providing targeted pain relief and improved joint function.

Benefits of Minimally Invasive MSK Intervention Procedures

  • Pain Relief

    Minimally invasive MSK intervention procedures provide targeted pain relief, allowing patients to resume their daily activities and enjoy a better quality of life.

  • Faster Recovery Times

    Patients typically experience quicker recovery times with minimally invasive MSK intervention procedures, reducing downtime and minimizing disruption to their daily routines.

  • Lower Risk of Complications

    Minimally invasive MSK interventions reduce the risk of complications related to more invasive surgical procedures, ensuring a safer treatment experience.

  • Increased Mobility

    By addressing the root cause of musculoskeletal pain and discomfort, our procedures can help patients regain mobility and range of motion, improving overall function and well-being.

  • Personalized Treatment Plans

    Our advanced techniques allow for tailored treatment of specific musculoskeletal issues, providing the most effective and least invasive solutions for each patient's unique needs.

Why Choose Diamond Interventional Center for Your MSK Intervention Procedure

  • Expertise in MSK Interventions

    Our team of interventional radiology physicians has extensive experience and specialized training in performing minimally invasive MSK intervention procedures, ensuring the highest level of care for our patients.

  • Advanced Diagnostic and Treatment Options

    Diamond Interventional Center is equipped with the latest technology and advanced techniques for MSK intervention procedures, allowing us to provide the most effective and least invasive treatments for our patients.

  • Personalized Care Plans

    We understand that each patient's musculoskeletal issues are unique. Our physicians take the time to thoroughly assess your specific needs and develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your individual situation, ensuring you receive the most appropriate and effective care.

  • Comprehensive Support

    At Diamond Interventional Center, we are committed to providing comprehensive support throughout your treatment journey. From initial consultation to post-procedure follow-up, our team is here to address your concerns and ensure a smooth and comfortable experience.

  • Exceptional Patient Outcomes

    Our focus on minimally invasive MSK intervention procedures contributes to improved patient outcomes. We help patients experience significant improvements in their musculoskeletal pain and discomfort, enhancing overall well-being and quality of life.

Diamond Interventional Center

Reasons for Referral

  • Persistent back pain from vertebral compression fractures

  • Hip or knee joint pain due to arthritis or inflammation

  • Unexplained musculoskeletal pain affecting daily activities

  • Failed conservative treatments for spinal pain

  • Suspected facet joint arthritis

Experience Relief from Musculoskeletal Pain: Schedule a Consultation Today

Experience the difference personalized care can make in addressing your musculoskeletal pain. Our compassionate and experienced team at Diamond Interventional Center is here to provide the support you need. Contact us today to schedule a consultation, learn more about our services, and discover how we can help you find relief from pain and improve your quality of life.
